Digital Printer Roll-out

Printer moder­ni­sa­tion with AKI in a few minutes

Practical case

The moder­ni­sa­tion of the printer land­scape is immi­nent. A large number of end devices will soon be exch­anged for new prin­ters. Some prin­ters will be replaced by the newer model, others will be comple­tely replaced by other manu­fac­tu­rers. In some units prin­ters have to be conso­li­dated in others more depart­mental prin­ters will be added.

The respon­sible IT depart­ment must provide the neces­sary time, personnel and tech­nical resources in good time. It must also ensure that time-critical processes are not inter­rupted during the repla­ce­ment of the prin­ters and that users are not disturbed in their workflow.

At the help­desk, the tele­phones are already running hot.


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Challenges in detail

The instal­la­tion and repla­ce­ment of the end devices is usually done quickly.
However, the diffi­cul­ties lie in the down­stream adapt­a­tion of the infrastructure.

The previous confi­gu­ra­tion of the prin­ters must be repro­duced on the systems 1:1 if possible. Printer drivers and access permis­sions must be updated, and assign­ments of printer queues to SAP® output devices must be checked. Obso­lete prin­ters and drivers must be iden­ti­fied and removed. The addi­tional new prin­ters must be set up for the first time and initi­ally confi­gured for use. You must ensure that the names of the printer queues are consis­tent and unique without duplication.

The printer roll-out can thus become a time-consuming process because the majo­rity of the acti­vi­ties are performed manu­ally. In addi­tion, resources from diffe­rent IT areas are tied up because the know-how and admi­nis­tra­tion rights for Windows or SAP® systems are held by diffe­rent people.


AKI’s experts will accom­pany you throug­hout the entire plan­ning and imple­men­ta­tion phase.

Thanks to our many years of expe­ri­ence in print manage­ment, we are fami­liar with the problems and sources of error involved in moder­ni­sing the printer land­scape. With our speci­ally deve­loped admi­nis­tra­tion tools, we take over the entire confi­gu­ra­tion adjus­t­ments for the prin­ters and print servers during roll-out.

You save time and resources that you can invest in stra­te­gi­cally important other projects.

The advantages at a glance

  • Complete service package for the digital roll-out with initial work­shop, imple­men­ta­tion and complete documentation
  • Confi­gu­ra­tion adjus­t­ment fully auto­mated in a few minutes per printer
  • Setting up the respec­tive SAP® output devices
  • Support for all printer manu­fac­tu­rers and models
  • If desired, taking over the data from an exis­ting asset manage­ment system
  • Time-sche­duled and outside critical opera­ting hours
  • Avoid­ance of down­times, reduc­tion of error sources
  • Satis­fied users and high service quality


Tell us if we can support you. Get in touch with us. Without obli­ga­tion and at any time.

For direct enqui­ries you can also contact us by phone: +49 (0)931 32155–0