SAP® Printing

Practical case

In many compa­nies SAP® is a central system for daily busi­ness. Often several SAP® systems are used for the diffe­rent depart­ments to support the employees in their tasks. Among other things, produc­tion plans, ship­ping labels or deli­very notes are gene­rated from the SAP® system, which must be printed out in the respec­tive departments.

However, if an error occurs here and the print job is not printed out in time, the entire work­flow comes to a standstill. Trucks cannot be loaded, deli­veries cannot be completed and dispatched.


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The help­desk then receives a ticket and has to search for the cause: Is the problem already during data gene­ra­tion in SAP® or only during transfer to the print server or at the printer itself? Since the neces­sary infor­ma­tion for a quick and targeted analysis is often missing, the correc­tion of the error can be a lengthy process.

Challenges in detail

Output devices are defined on the SAP® systems, which must be logi­cally linked to printer queues on the respec­tive print servers. If incor­rect assign­ments are made here or if a print server cannot be reached, the print request is stuck.

The feed­back from SAP® that the user receives only states that the job is out of SAP®, but does not allow any conclu­sions as to whether the docu­ment has really arrived in the printer tray.

SAP® prin­touts are often time-critical. Delays or even unmarked test pages cause expen­sive wrong deli­veries and addi­tional costs.

The time-consuming admi­nis­tra­tion of output devices and printer queues consider­ably increases the workload and the effort required for commu­ni­ca­tion between the various teams in the IT depart­ment, since the diffe­rent plat­forms have diffe­rent responsibilities.

Reliable feed­back and trans­pa­rency over the entire prin­ting process could help here.

The advantages at a glance

  • Trans­pa­rency through proac­tive moni­to­ring of the entire print path
  • SAP® certi­fied inter­face BC-XOM
  • SAP® certi­fied inter­face S/4HC-ES-PRINT-OMS
  • Support of all print access methods
  • All opera­tions of the BC-XOM inter­face are supported
  • Reliable feed­back of the printer status from SAP®
  • Maximum secu­rity through high availability
  • Connec­tion to the Active Direc­tory in accordance with Micro­soft secu­rity specifications
  • Relief of the IT depart­ment and user help­desk & increase of service quality
  • Satis­fied users and customers
  • Single-Point-of-Control for Windows, Unix and SAP®
  • Encrypted and compressed data transmission
  • Support of addi­tional prin­ting options, e.g. printer tray selc­tion, label prin­ting and barcodes


Espe­ci­ally for prin­ting in SAP® envi­ron­ments, AKI provides a central tool that gives Micro­soft and SAP® admi­nis­tra­tors and the help­desk trans­pa­rency over the entire prin­ting envi­ron­ment. This allows rapid trou­ble­shoo­ting and direct error correction.

Confi­gu­ra­tion, admi­nis­tra­tion and opera­tion of the SAP® print infra­struc­ture and connected print servers is done from one graphical user inter­face. Output devices are set up simul­ta­neously on several SAP® systems, connec­tions between the output devices on the SAP® systems and the selected target queue are checked for func­tion­a­lity and settings of LOMS and ROMS are managed.

Confir­ma­tions about the print status are reliably sent directly to the SAP® systems. For critical print processes, the high avai­la­bi­lity of print func­tion­a­lity from the SAP® systems can also be ensured.

In addi­tion, the soft­ware helps to clearly iden­tify test pages by means of water­marks so that there is no confu­sion with produc­tive printouts.

The encrypted trans­mis­sion of output requests ensures maximum secu­rity. In addi­tion, the data can be compressed – an important criterion in the case of several loca­tions with decen­tra­lized prin­ting, but with limited bandwidth.

Addi­tional prin­ting options, such as printer tray selec­tion or label prin­ting and the inte­gra­tion of barcodes into the data stream, are possible without addi­tional tools or complex scripts.

Product Brochure

For more infor­ma­tion about Prin­Taurus for SAP®, please refer to our product brochure (PDF).



Tell us if we can support you. Get in touch with us. Without obli­ga­tion and at any time.

For direct enqui­ries you can also contact us by phone: +49 (0)931 32155–0