High Availability Printing

Practical case

When it comes to patient data in the emer­gency room, every minute counts! Admis­sion papers, labo­ra­tory labels, medi­ca­tion and treat­ment plans must be printed out quickly and reliably in order to guarantee the patient the best possible care. If the printer fails or the docu­ments are not in the printer tray as planned, time-critical processes come to a standstill. This results in unneces­sary waiting times and help­desk calls. The hospital staff and pati­ents are annoyed.



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But it’s not only when the health of pati­ents is at stake that prin­ting must not be disrupted or fail. If a print server is not available at night, e.g. if pick­lists from SAP® are to be printed out time-controlled for order proces­sing the next day, deli­veries of goods cannot be picked and shipped on time.

The conse­quences are dissa­tis­fied custo­mers, stressed personnel, time pres­sure and unneces­sary costs.

Challenges in detail

When conside­ring a failure-proof prin­ting envi­ron­ment, it is important to rely on the highest possible degree of auto­ma­tion in order to avoid time losses due to time-consuming trou­ble­shoo­ting and manual intervention.

In addi­tion, the chosen concept should be based on stan­dards and be easily inte­grated into the exis­ting envi­ron­ment with prin­ters, print servers and systems in the company.

The entire prin­ting process and all error sources that could ulti­m­ately lead to a print failure must be included for a total high avai­la­bi­lity solu­tion. Each sub-process should be checked and main­ten­ance cycles of the systems involved should also be taken into account.

The advantages at a glance

  • Maximum secu­rity through high avai­la­bi­lity on several levels
  • Auto­mated back-up concepts (no inter­ac­tion of user or help­desk necessary)
  • Time critical processes and produc­ti­vity are not interrupted
  • Use of standards
  • Easy inte­gra­tion into exis­ting prin­ting infrastructure
  • All opera­tions of the BC-XOM inter­face are supported (prin­ting from SAP®)
  • Avai­la­bi­lity of the systems even during main­ten­ance periods (back-up system/alternative printer takes over)
  • Supported print server systems: Windows, Unix, Linux
  • 24/7 avai­la­bi­lity for all compa­nies with time-critical and sensi­tive processes
  • Help­desk is reli­eved, ticket volume reduced
  • Relief for the IT department
  • Satis­fied users and customers


AKI’s concept for a high-avai­la­bi­lity prin­ting envi­ron­ment covers the three essen­tial parts of the prin­ting process.

  • Avai­la­bi­lity of the print server

For a print job, e.g. from SAP®, the system first checks whether the respon­sible print server can be reached. Other­wise, the request goes to a redun­dant print server. All rele­vant status feed­back for the print job continue to func­tion and all opera­tions of the certi­fied BC-XOM inter­face are supported. The solu­tion works for Windows, Unix and Linux print servers.

  • Avai­la­bi­lity of print paths and print devices

If a print device has a malfunc­tion, the system auto­ma­ti­cally re-routes to an alter­na­tive device. The moni­to­ring of the printer queue also detects problems such as empty toner or no paper. Printer groups with up to 10 devices can be configured.

  • Avai­la­bi­lity of the printer mappings for the user

The confi­gu­ra­tion for the printer assign­ments on the client PCs are kept on several print servers. If the master server fails, the printer mapping data is pulled from a backup server. The user does not notice this during his work.


Tell us if we can support you. Get in touch with us. Without obli­ga­tion and at any time.

For direct enqui­ries you can also contact us by phone: +49 (0)931 32155–0