Prin­Taurus Release 6.2

Over the past year, new features and impro­ve­ments have been deve­loped for Prin­Taurus compon­ents and modules. These are now available as release 6.2 for our custo­mers. Within the scope of an active main­ten­ance contract, this release is available free of charge.

New features and improvements

Secu­rity & Encryption

The focus of deve­lo­p­ment in the past year continued to be on the topic of secu­rity & encryp­tion of our compon­ents and the further deve­lo­p­ment of the Prin­Taurus Service as a central commu­ni­ca­tion service.

It is now possible to manage and enforce all exis­ting and new Prin­Taurus user rights centrally via the Prin­Taurus Service. This includes linking Unis­pool permis­sions to a Micro­soft Active Direc­tory group. New autho­riza­tions have been intro­duced to make central user manage­ment even more granular and to better manage user authorizations.

Commu­ni­ca­tion between indi­vi­dual compon­ents and the graphical user inter­face can now be encrypted and connected to your company’s PKI struc­ture. In addi­tion, it is now possible to disable indi­vi­dual ports for commu­ni­ca­tion should a service not be required.

The Prin­Taurus service is now able to transfer the current confi­gu­ra­tion of the print servers into the data­base.
To simplify the manage­ment of the compon­ents, more log and debug outputs were swit­ched to the Micro­soft Eventlog.

SAP Cloud Print Manager-Unterstützung

As the first provider world­wide, our newly deve­loped inter­face for the SAP Cloud Print Manager for S/4HANA Cloud (S/4HC-ES-PRINT-OMS) has been certi­fied by SAP.

This makes it possible to use Prin­Taurus as an output manage­ment system for the SAP Cloud Print Manager for S/4HANA Cloud.

Prin­Taurus for Healthcare

As one of the core tech­nical processes in hospi­tals, prin­ting often involves considerable time and chal­lenges. Diffe­rent printer manu­fac­tu­rers and specia­list programs, strict legal requi­re­ments and people who depend on properly produced print make respon­sible admi­nis­tra­tion and manage­ment of such an envi­ron­ment diffi­cult and time-consuming. For this purpose, we offer a tailor-made solu­tion package with Prin­Taurus for Healthcare.

Update and migration

Please contact our service depart­ment if you need assis­tance with the update. When updating the SAP trans­port requests, further adjus­t­ments are neces­sary, please refer to the rele­vant notes in the release notes or contact us.


Tell us if we can support you. Get in touch with us. Without obli­ga­tion and at any time.

For direct enqui­ries you can also contact us by phone: +49 (0)931 32155–0